
MICS working in partnership with CMRC

(Community Migrant Resource Centre)

Co-President: Jacqueline Lobo and Co-President: Maria Florencia Amigo

Treasurer: Daneli LĂłpez

Public Officer: Ali Elliin

Secretary: Helen Kennedy

Membership: Helen Kennedy

Projects: Fiona Zhou

Communications/Public relations: Janelle Speight

Social Events: Mariela Salisch

Fundraising: Lillian Hong

Grants: Maria Florencia Amigo

Committee Members: Ali Elliin, Sohila Elliin, Marjan Rahimi, Chrissie Ianssen, Janelle Speight, Daneli Lopez, Maria Florencia Amigo, Helen Kennedy, Mariela Salisch, Fiona Zhou, Lillian Hong, Jacqueline Lobo, Shahin Rashidifar


For sign up, send an email to

Support of Community Migrant Resource Centre (CMRC)

MICS is sponsored and supported by Migrant Community Resource Centre, the peak body that assists migrant communities in Sydney. Through CMRC we have access to a its network, workshops and wealth of experience in promoting multiculturalism in Australia.

Connection with Council

We have an established working relationship with Hornsby and Kuringai Councils and we can help your organisation understand how your local council can assist you with supporting your organisations’ activities.

Leadership Training

MICS is committed to building capacity of community leaders. In the past our members have attended a range of workshops and courses including working with social media, cyber safety, grant writing, community management and first aid courses.