About Us
Cai Ruggles from Hornsby Council (in Sydney) assisted us with the initiative of establishing a multicultural group for the Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Council areas in Sydney’s Northern suburbs.
The purpose was to leverage the potential of the smaller ethnic community groups working to assist new and established migrants, and to increase intercultural collaboration and cultural diversity awareness and understanding.
A range of community leaders from India, China, Korea, Iran, Taiwan, Russia and Latin American countries came together to work collaboratively and learn from each other.
Over the past 20 years, MICS has assisted newly arrived migrants, organised a series of events ranging from inter-country football games, street performances, first aid courses, training workshops and multicultural film events. MICS has also received financial support through Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Council Grant schemes, as well as from Multicultural NSW with a total value of over $70,000.
Currently MICS is very privileged to be sponsored and supported by Community Migrant Resource Centre through Hornsby Shire Council and Ku-ring-gai Council.
To support migrants in their adjustment to their new Australian environment.
To promote cultural unity and tolerance, enhance awareness of the diverse nature of the different communities and develop mutual understanding by cultural exchanges and cultural learning activities, allowing community members to work together to promote their cultures and traditions to the wider community.
To provide support for migrant communities to build bridges with the local community –to interact across cultural boundaries, understand and appreciate their differences, explore ways of living together in the Australian community.
Co-Presidents: Janelle Speight & Fiona Zhou
Treasurer: Daneli López
Secretary: Helen Kennedy
Grants & Projects: María Florencia Amigó
Social Media & PR: Janelle Speight
Fundraising: Ali Elliin
Events coordinator: Farzana Farzana
Public Officer &
Volunteer coordinator -Jacqueline Lobo:
Membership: Uma Menon
MICS meetings are bi-monthly on the
third Monday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
Meetings commence at 7.00pm and conclude at 8.30pm
Contact Secretary to attend: Email: info@mics.org.au
At: Hornsby Central Library– Public Library 28-44 George Street, Hornsby. NSW 2077 · (02) 9847 6813
Support of Community Migrant Resource Centre (CMRC)
MICS is sponsored and supported by Migrant Community Resource Centre, the peak body that assists migrant communities in Sydney. Through CMRC we have access to a its network, workshops and wealth of experience in promoting multiculturalism in Australia.
Connection with Council
We have an established working relationship with Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Councils and we can help your organisation understand how your local council can assist you with supporting your organisations’ activities.
Leadership Training
MICS is committed to building capacity of community leaders. In the past our members have attended a range of workshops and courses including working with social media, cyber safety, grant writing, community management and first aid courses.